Linux Command Line Every Hacker Should Master

Linux Command Line

Basic Commands


1. pwd (Print Working Directory):

 Description: This command displays the current directory you are in.


$ pwd
pwd /home/user/documents


2. ls (List):

 Description: Use `ls` to view files and directories in the current directory.


$ ls
ls file1.txt file2.txt folder1 folder2


3. cd (Change Directory):

 Description: Navigate through directories using `cd`.


$ cd
cd /home/user/documents


4. touch:

 Description: Create empty files by using the `touch` command.


$ touch
touch new_file.txt

5. cp (Copy):

 Description: Duplicate files using the `cp` command.


$ cp
cp file1.txt /home/user/documents/folder2

6. mv (Move):

 Description: Relocate files with the `mv` command. This command is also used for renaming files.


$ mv
mv file2.txt /home/user/downloads/file2_new.txt

7. rm (Remove):

 Description: Delete files permanently using the `rm` command. Exercise caution with this command.


$ rm
rm unwanted_file.txt

File Operations

Files are at the heart of any system. Here are some useful commands for handling files:

8. nano:

 Description: A simple text editor to create and edit files.


$ nano
nano new_file.txt


9. cat:

Description: Concatenate and display the content of a file.


$ cat
cat file1.txt


10. grep:
Description: Search for specific patterns in files using the `grep` command.


$ grep
grep “keyword” file1.txt


11. head:

Description: Display the beginning of a file.


$ head
head file1.txt

This is the first line.
This is the second line.


12. tail:

Description: Display the end of a file.


$ tail
tail file1.txt

This is the ninth line.
This is the tenth line.



Directory Management

Managing directories is crucial during ethical hacking. Here’s how:


13. mkdir (Make Directory):

 Description: Create a new directory using the `mkdir` command.


$ mkdir
mkdir new_directory


14. rmdir (Remove Directory):

 Description: Delete an empty directory using the `rmdir` command.


$ rmdir
rmdir empty_directory


15. rm -r (Remove Recursive):

 Description: Remove a directory with all its contents using the `rm -r` command.


$ rm -r
rm -r directory_to_remove



File Permissions

Understanding and managing file permissions are essential for ethical hacking. Here are some commands to help you with that:


16. chmod (Change File Permissions):

 Description: Change file permissions (read, write, execute) for users.


$ chmod u
chmod u=rwx file1.txt


17. chown (Change File Ownership):

 Description: Change file ownership.


$ chmod new
chown new_owner file1.txt


Process Management

In ethical hacking, understanding, and controlling processes are essential. Here’s how:


18. ps (Process Status):

 Description: View information about active processes.


$ ps
345 pts/0 00:00:00 bash
912 pts/0 00:00:00 ps

19. top:

 Description: Monitor real-time system processes.


20. kill:

 Description: Terminate a process by identifying its PID (Process ID).


kill 345



Discovering network information is vital in penetration testing. Let’s explore some relevant commands:


21. ifconfig:

 Description: Obtain network interface configuration details.




inet netmask broadcast


22. ping:

 Description: Check connectivity to a target host by pinging it.




23. nmap:

 Description: Perform network exploration and security auditing.


nmap -F 


24. netstat:

 Description: Show network statistics.


netstat -tuln 


Archiving and Compression

Archiving and compression are useful for managing files efficiently. Here are some commands to help with that:


25. tar:

Description: Create or extract tar archives.


tar -cvf archive.tar file1.txt file2.txt 

26. gzip:

 Description: Compress files.


gzip file1.txt 

27. gunzip:

 Description: Decompress gzip files.


gunzip file1.txt.gz 


28. zip and unzip:

 Description: Create or extract zip archives.


$zip and unzip

zip file1.txt file2.txt


System Information

Knowing the system’s details is crucial for understanding its capabilities. Here are some commands for that:


29. uname:

 Description: Display system information.



uname -a
Linux myhostname 4.15.0-65-generic #74-Ubuntu SMP Tue Sep 17 17:06:04 UTC 2019 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux 


30. df:

 Description: Show disk space usage.


df -h

Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda1 100G 30G 70G 30% /


31. free:

 Description: Display memory usage.



free -h
total used free shared buff/cache available
Mem: 7.8G 2.3G 3.1G 207M 2.3G 5.2G
Swap: 2.0G 0B 2.0G

32. who:

 Description: Show users currently logged in.



user pts/0 Jul 26 15:30 (


Advanced Commands for Ethical Hacking

As an ethical hacker, you need powerful tools for network analysis and security assessment. Here are some advanced commands:


33. netcat:

 Description: Network utility for reading from and writing to network connections.


nc -l -p 8080


34. wireshark:

 Description: Analyze network traffic in real-time.


35. tcpdump:

 Description: Capture network packets.


$ tcpdump
tcpdump -i eth0


36. ssh:

 Description: Securely connect to remote systems.


$ ssh
ssh user@remote_host


37. scp:

 Description: Securely copy files between local and remote systems.


$ scp

scp file1.txt user@remote_host:/home/user/documents


38. openssl:

 Description: Perform cryptographic operations.


$ openssl


enc -aes256 -salt -in file.txt -out encrypted_file.enc


File Analysis

Files often conceal valuable information. Here are commands to help you analyze files:


39. file:

 Description: Determine file type.


$ file

file file1.txt
file1.txt: ASCII tex


40. strings:

 Description: Extract human-readable strings from binary files.


$ strings
strings binary_file



User and Group Management

Managing users and groups is crucial for controlling access and privileges. Here are some commands to help with that:


41. useradd:

 Description: Add a new user.


$ useradd
useradd new_user


42. passwd:

 Description: Change user password.


$ passwd
passwd new_user


43. groupadd:

 Description: Add a new group.


$ groupadd
groupadd new_group


44. usermod:

 Description: Modify user settings.


$ user mod
usermod -aG new_group new_user


45. groupmod:

 Description: Modify group settings.


$ groupmod
groupmod -n new_group_name old_group_name

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